I would guess (and these are just my imaginings) that now that Spine version 3 is out, spine-csharp and spine-unity will be updated very soon, perhaps in the next couple of weeks. Spine for C# and Unity projects is 'broken' (for version 3, currently) and so Esoteric Software will obviously want to let the features cascade down into all the runtimes. This is probably the best way to do it, maintaining so many runtimes isn't easy, so I'm sure we can bear with a week or so of incompatibility issues. Unity is probably the most popular runtime, after all, it does have its own forum Group, so I imagine attention will start here first.
So given that Spine 3 has been released, I bet that the hack BinaryCats has described won't be required when full support for V3 hits the Unity runtime, and you might want to just wait till then.
I'm also guessing that Mitch's super-rad Project Magelight lighting work will come soon, perhaps in the very same update as Version 3 support.
When V3 comes out my stuff will open like flood gates. - Mitch
Guessing over!