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  • Blog: Spine 3.0.00 released

One thing at a time! 😃 We have a plan for path movement. There's a next/previous key hotkey, does that help? I'm not sure how custom functions would work.

Runtime order is a balanced of what is easiest and what is most popular. The generic runtimes generally get done first, probably starting with C#.

Related Discussions

How do I update to 3.0? i would have hoped the update would be automatic or there would be a link available on the website but nada. When I do try to run Spine it asks me if I would like to revert and suggests I use an update link of which I know not where look. Checked my email, checked my program folders. How the balls do I update?


Did u update the new changes for the corona and lua???

Kumar KS

I am using spine via unity.
Exported animation is mal-formed in 3.0
(I applied latest unity-runtime)

Could you check please?

Guys, again the only runtime that supports v3 exports is spine-libgdx. The changes will be ported to the other runtimes soon. First we are working on some nice improvements to AnimationState which will get ported along with the v3 changes.

Xenobunny, v3 requires a Spine launcher update. This means you need to manually download and install a new launcher. You can download the latest launcher from your Spine license page. You were emailed a link to your Spine license page when you purchased Spine. If you can't find it, please email us from the email address you used to purchase Spine: contact@esotericsoftware.com

Fantastic work Nate and friends!

Super-glad to see Skew Scale and Flipping sorted out. Can't wait for these changes to hit Spine-C# and Spine-Unity. Well done all!

Hey, this update brought me a huge issue... I used x and y flip a lot but now all my animations are broken. It would be insane if i have to fix all of them manually now by 'minus scale' them.
Is there a chance that you could write a script that will convert the flips into minus scale keys by updating Spine? Or is there any other solution how to fix that?

Tiny little thing: The update resetted my Spine layout and my shortcuts. Would be nice if the update would not overwrite such things (next time) 🙂

After update to 3.0 on every launch Spine connects to server and download 3.0 again. How to fix it? It works same for latest 2 ... this is annoying to wait for response from server and downloading same version!

Possible to disable this tween for menu dropdown style?

Are you sure it's downloading and not just loading? If it's redownloading every time you launch, there's definitely a bug.

If you want to reduce menu animations:
 Loading Image

Oops, i should had read this first. Its no working with Unity yet right?
How exactly do i downgrade it now? =D
Ok found it!

When other runtimes will be usable for 3.0?

@decoamorim go to Settings... and look for this:
 Loading Image

In settings you can choose which update you are using:

Rahel, we considered creating scale keys, but if there was already a scale timeline this could cause problems. I suppose for bones that don't have a scale timeline we could create keys. However, the old flip would flip bones using the world axes and the new flip uses the bones' local axes, so I'm not sure it would help much. Sorry! The new flip (negative scale) works a whole lot better and makes more sense, it's worth the trouble in the long run. You could always drop back to 2.1.27 and move to v3 for your next project. BTW, keep your 2.1.27 projects safe (you can always find them in your backup folder), because if you save with v3 it will remove your flip timelines. That way if we add code to create keys, you can make use of it.

About resetting the preferences, that has to happen when certain things change sometimes, sorry. We try not to do it, but sometimes it's unavoidable. You can find your old hotkeys in your Spine backup folder (click the button in Settings).

puzzler, are you running in a VM? What OS?

The menu animation duration was reduced in v3 so it should be less annoying than in v2, but you can disable all interface animations as Pharan has shown.

I should also remind everyone that if you save a project with v3, you cannot open it with an older version anymore. However, you can always open an old project with a newer version of Spine.

Yes, it's downloading on every launch. I did uninstall/install - same. Also, if I check concrete version instead of latest - same, downloading selected version on every launch!

Windows 7x64

Possible to download previous launcher? While you did not fix 3.0

I like it!! "New Skewing scale" 🙂

hwadock, great! We are all looking forward to the next amazing thing you come up with! 🙂

puzzler, are you running in a VM? Can you please send or post your spine.log file? contact@esotericsoftware.com

Nate написав

hwadock, great! We are all looking forward to the next amazing thing you come up with! 🙂

puzzler, are you running in a VM? Can you please send or post your spine.log file? contact@esotericsoftware.com

I don't use VM (Virtual Machine). Sent logs.

@hwadock approves! Bring out the champagne!

Great! I'm going to update pixi.js runtime.


I just dump here all stuff that you didnt answer before:

Rpgmaker MV is going to support spine soon.
Pixi.js runtime uses GPU to optimize FFD animations.

1) What about support of polygon packing for meshes? I saw how @StageXL published in his twitter optimized atlas for Rider.
2) When will you publish it in Steam? Spriter is already there.
3) What about region-based discounts? I know a number of indie game developers in russia and ukraine who just cant spend that much money due to economical crysis.

very exciting! I just only heard about the 3.0 release. Congrats guys!

I just updated my libgdx runtime to newest version and have a problem — I use skeleton flipping (not bone flipping with animations) to change character's orientation when he walks left, and with new runtime using skeleton.setFlipX has no effect, is it because of changes to flipping? How should I workaround this? I don't want to scale root bone because it may possibly be animated in the future...