kxs Hi, Sometimes the duration of animation (it's indicated by the orange vertical line on Timeline) does not become changed after I delete last key frame. But normally it does. I could not find out why that happens. Spine v 3.0.08 Pro
Nate The orange animation duration line shows the last key in the animation, even if those keys are not currently shown in the dopesheet. I assume you have other keys that aren't currently visible in the dopesheet.
BinaryCats Also, if you have multiple skeletons in your project, with multiple animations visible (visability orb next to anim names) orange line will appear at the end of the longest animation visible
kxs Ah, thanks for the tip. There was one invisible (hidden) bone in the skeleton which had a key frame assigned to it. So that key frame was not visible in Timeline even if I selected all bones in the project tree.