I think the spine community could/should be more active, and responsive. So I have created a Discord Server, there has been attempts to do this thing in the past, and you may want to check out: Spine Skype Hangout . This was somewhat successful for a few months, but lately it has died down a lot. I feel like this is because of the lack of anonymity with skype, as most people use skype for personal things.
There is also an IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=esotericsoft however this is a baron wasteland.
So here is my attempt. A discord server (https://discord.gg/sN7BnAH). Discord is a free chat room service which can be access via web page, or app, on desktop or mobile! You can create an account or log in as a guess, its really flexible.
Its early days yet, so I hope that this doesn't flop like the previous attempts. just click the link and you are away: https://discord.gg/sN7BnAH
Download link: https://discordapp.com/ (you don't need to download it, if you don't want)