One more crash, involving undo:
Select a bone, and set current frame to somewhere without keys. Add a rotate key, which adds two green blocks (one in the animations row, one in the rotate row) and immediately undo. This only gets rid of the rotate block, and clicking the remaining green animation block crashes spine.
Another way to do this is add a rotate and then a translation key, which gives you two white blocks (one in the animations row, one in the bones row) a green block in the rotate row, and a blue block in the translation row. Undo the translation key, and you're left with two white blocks and a green block. Clicking either of the white blocks crashes the program.
I believe this is the same issue mentioned in this topic: This crash still happens on the most recent update, 1.3.29, as well. I'll keep testing things and let you know if I find anything, keep up the good work!