I got a character animation controller going in Unity fully functional and almost good to go.
However, Unity is unexpectedly better than I thought at mixing animation even at default setup without any blend trees.
So, what I've ran into is some of my transition animation being cut off or not played in several case scenarios because my transition animations are way too isolated at this state(like, when character jumping I have 'jump,' 'jumpToFall,' 'fallToLand,' and then 'landToIdle' or 'landToWalk.')
In order to resolve this I have a few thoughts on my mind, but think trying too hard myself would be too amateurish.
How my animation control is setup at current is while my character movement control script provides state of the character's current action state (i.e. walking, running, jumping, landing, etc...) and another script(animation controller script) receives the state data (did this the dirty way with enum wishing I could do better with something else I don't quite get atm) and plays animation when match with list of if statements.
My initial idea about resolving my case was to manually set animations to play in order (like, play anim_1 to full duration then anim_x plays right after basically prioritize what comes before than what animation controller script currently will play) but I'm quite new to Spine Unity Runtime so...
Can someone guide me to list of API or whatever information I should be aware of to resolve this in coding-side instead of animating-again side, please? I'll be greatly appreciated.