Thanks Pharan! :makeup:
BinaryCats написав:wonder: that's what I said!
Riiight. :think: Also, I wanted JSON and set/addAnimation
calls and got a Unity project!
I can reproduce like this:
state.setAnimation(0, "walk", true);
state.addAnimation(0, "jump", true, 0.25f).mixDuration = 4;
state.addAnimation(0, "run", true, 1).mixDuration = 0;
There's also a similar test case where the run
mixDuration is 1 second. This is what the track entries look like:
then: jump, 4s mixDuration
then, during walk -> jump mix: run, 1s mixDuration
walk.mixingFrom = null
jump.mixingFrom = walk
jump.mixDuration = 4
run.mixingFrom = jump
run.mixDuration = 1
jump to run completes:
walk.mixingFrom = null
run.mixingFrom = walk
run.mixDuration = 4
I noticed in the code Pharan pointed out that TrackEntry#mixAlpha is not copied like mixDuration
and mixTime
. However, I still see snapping when jump completes. My conclusion is that it never makes sense to remove an entry from the middle of the mixingFrom
linked list.
Let's say walk keys 0, jump keys 100, and run keys 200. walk to jump
goes 0 to 100 and jump to run
goes from that to 200. If jump to run
completes and we remove jump, we are left with walk to run
going 0 to 200. If walk to jump
was 50% then walk to jump
should have been 50, but after removing jump 50% becomes 100. This causes bones to snap when jump completes.
If we don't remove jump then it works correctly. walk to jump
keeps mixing from 0 to 100, then run is applied at 100% (since the jump to run
mix has completed). This example is a bit dumb because most likely run keys everything that walk and jump key, so completely overwrites their poses. However, it is possible to mix animations that don't key the same values, so it's possible that walk to jump
would be changing something run doesn't.
If removing from the middle of the linked list didn't cause snapping, it would be nice to avoid a long linked list when repeatedly interrupting long mix durations. It seems this optimization isn't possible though. I've committed the changes to spine-libgdx and they'll make their way to the other runtimes soon.
[libgdx] Only remove mixingFrom entries from the end of the list.@99ca32d