Sorry for bringing this up again since I get no positive answer regardin this and the issue is becoming serious and affect a lot of aspect of my game.
As I have mentioned several times before, the 2DTK skeleton cannot scale itself by changing the target height and target ortho size in the sprite collection in 2dtk editor. I'm not using 2dtkCamera for some of my reasons (one reason is that there is a bug with unity that prevent it to render at correct position) so just by selecting using 2dtk camera in the sprite collection will not be my choose. I have consulted with unikron software and confirmed this is a bug with the integration of spine, and I asked several users and they all have the same problem. I think there is a need to put fixing the bug on schedule.
As for now, the only way to adjust the size of the skeleton is to use the scale transform in unity. But the skeleton in my game is SO huge that I have to use a factor 0.005 on both axis to get desired size. And this comes with various problem. At this scale, physcis and charactor controll for my player gets innacurate and that greatly affects my game setup. Also I have the entire scene attaching the camera that's attached to the player so they all get scaled. This is hard to manage when things gets complicated.
For this screenshot you can see, if I add a character controller by default, it will be so big that outlarge my entire scene. I have to adjust the radius and height greatly, but for some reason, probably because of the scaling, When the capsule size decreased to fit my scaled player, and when the height reaches it's smallest value that can be observed on the screne (the capsule became a sphere), the height value is still showing 300+, any value beneth that makes no change on screen.
All those problem are probabaly due to scaling the skeleton way too small. And I believe it's necessary to have the problem fixed so it could be properly utilized.
Can you put the fixing on your schedule? Thanks