Hello fellow Spiners,
I'm new to this wonderful tool and am already running into some issues, and I'd be really glad if you guys could help me out.
We're developing a game in Phaser and although I'm not new to animating at all, Spine and/or Phaser has some issues with the assets I'm using in my animation. I created all the assets in Illustrator, exported them as .png's and imported them into Spine. Then I animated the things I needed to and exported an .atlas, .json and a .png file, wrote the .html for implementing these things into phaser and voilá - everythings works, except one of the two assets I was using is scaled wrong, even though it had the right size in Spine. To give you an idea how that looks:
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The two assets in Spine
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The two assets in Phaser (a little sheared and moved through the animation)
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My Hierarchy
As you can see the inner circle (or layer, call it what you want) was resized by a fairly huge amount, but I couldn't find any scaling settings that could've caused this to happen. I also tried resizing the asset and then using the bigger inner circle, but even then the scaling was somehow off.
Things I already did:
- Googled the shit out of resizing in Spine
- Checked the asset size and resolution
- Tried different Hierarchy arrangements
- Tried looking into the code for mistakes
- Tried using different assets, which created the same effect
So, did I make any mistakes in the structure or while animating, or is this a common bug? I would be really glad if you guys could help me out!
Thanks in advance,
TL;DR: Things get resized without any apparent reason and Mr. Nooby doesn't know why!