AlaNintendo Sorry newb question.. But what is creating this orange line at the end of the dopesheet (keyframe 21)? I can't find the bone\mesh\attachment etc ... which is creating this keyframe. :sleepy: Loading Image thanks!
BinaryCats last key in the animation, if you don't see a key there, its likely the bone visibility is off
AlaNintendo I turned on visibility for all the bones (the little eye icon in the TREE window), but didn't seem to do the trick. Unless I'm turning the bones on, the wrong way?
Nate Something hidden in the tree has a key. Make sure you have a little dot by everything in the tree! Could be a mesh in a skin that isn't active.
AlaNintendo Yep you guys were right, it was a hidden key on a target constraint. Actually this is a pretty useful feature in the dopesheet to let the user know when any object (bone,slot, constraint etc) is hidden, but still has a keyframe. Thanks guys.