I have a character that squats up and down but I want to have different animations for the same limb. i.e. Left leg has two different animations for the character squatting - and I want to switch between the two leg animations whilst the main animation of the character squatting is playing.
An example end effect I require is:
Character squats down
left leg gets shaky and uses 'shakyLeg' animation
left leg recovers and goes back to standard squatting animation
Animation finishes
The key thing is I need to be able to dynamically switch between the two animations on the fly at run-time.
If I switch between the two leg animations on the fly will the Spine C-API smoothly handle this? Or will it suddenly switch without any sprite position interpolation or similar?
I need this capability for several limbs/body parts (not just the left leg) and they need to have separate animations that can work independently of other parts of the body - yet still attach to the torso correctly obviously.
What is the best way to set this up in Spine? Anything special I should need to do?