REALLY loving these new usability features and hotkeys.
And thanks for the overview, Shiu!
Few questions and reports and stuff:
(1) Your website's server settings might be telling browsers to cache the Cheat Sheet page; had to deep refresh it on my browser to see the new hotkeys.
(2) Cheatsheet says C for Translate. Should be V.
(3) 4:56 THAT WAS A KEYBOARD NUDGE! What's the keyboard shortcut??? ;___;
(4) Clarification on the PLAYBACK DIALOG: It currently sets the speed. Does it affect the exported JSON in any way?— ie, I want to animate things at 60fps because I want to be able to fine tune the animation at certain points when it moves really fast to avoid artifacts and just so it moves exactly as I want, and this feature helps not having to hold-shift and find the .5 frames. But do I have to set the timescale when I import it into my game engine? Or will I have to scale down my dopesheet keys by half every time I need to export?— and just for complete docu, does it also save the playback settings into the project file?
Review on the alternate flow and features:
(6) I still vote on an option to select the parent bone by (+modifier) clicking on an image. Fits in with this flow (and others, I imagine) quite nicely. And goes a long way to prevent wrist pain. 😃
(7) "Parent image under mouse cursor to new bone." This is an awesome feature. Makes branching out a slot really easy. (for when you want some parts like loose armor or hair to eventually react separately with inertia instead of sticking to the main parts) I was going to request this as a feature. I think I was gonna call it a "branch slot into its own bone" or something. XD Anyway, you read my mind, and this works perfectly.
(7.1) As a related feature (since I think it builds on the same underlying code), I think what would be nice is a "reorient/recreate bone" option: the option to REPLACE the currently selected bone by click-dragging a new one— like the normal create-bone operation.
This acts like moving the pivot in other programs... only it's much better 'cause not only do you set it exactly where you click it, you get to set a new bone orientation and length too all at once. It can currently be done by turning on bone and image compensation and then switching around between the transform tools (like Shiu currently does in the video), but a recreate/reorient tool would be so much less friction to use.
(8) Create tool doesn't have its own hotkey like the other tools. Poor thing.
(9) That a lot of the multi-drag and multi-edit stuff works now is a huge time-saver. Thank you so much. I know this in particular must've been a lot of little things to implement. (though that bone branch thing must've taken some math. : p)
(10) Name tags on mouse over: huge help. Still usually too far into peripheral vision to read unless I pan the view so the items I want to select is closer to where the name is. Not a huge deal. At least it's there now.