Spine autoupdated to 3.6.48 for me and now I suddenly got randomly missing images everywhere. Some of my spine files work and some don't. I haven't changed anything about the skeletons or the images and the images are all present on hard drive.
Example picture: Two legs are missing, two are ok. Fangs are missing. Nothing about those images or this skeleton has changed for ages. The only difference between the working and non-working legs is the last letter (a,b vs c,d)...

I tried reverting Spine version to the previous I was using from the settings menu, but the same thing keeps happening for some reason. I have 8 different .spine files and the save version doesn't seem to be a common theme either.
3.6.43 -> 2 broken
3.6.45 -> 1 working
3.6.46 -> 1 working
3.6.47 -> 3 working, 1 broken
Any ideas?