@Erika: Well, i drew the revolver in Photoshop, as different layers (see image below), not thinking about positions at all, then exported the artwork with your lovely PhotoshopToSpine.jsx script to save time and getting the exact placement for the layers in Spine.
So yeah, now all the layers float - and i see why the final Spine exported images would get blurry.
The mentioned 50x50 image had a sharp 1px border, and i see after exporting the image out of Spine the borders didn't get blurry, as the image wasn't floating.
It all makes sense now 🙂 thanks for explaining.
Luckily it's only for optimization, so as an artist, no harm is done 😃
@Nate: Glad to hear that the issue is fixed. Hopefully we'll update to a newer version soon :yes: