• Editor
  • How to key frames on twos


I'm an animator used to programs like Animate, Toon Boom, and After Effects. I'm currently creating Idles in Spine and want to know how to easily key everything on twos at 24FPS. I know how the interpolation and step tools work, but that does not help me in getting the animation the way I want it.

So simply put; I have it set to 24FPS and I want to quickly key everything at 12FPS WITH keeping the animation on 24FPS. I want the animation running on twos so to give it a less "computer-like" look. This is accomplished quite easily in other programs, so I do hope there is a quick and efficient way to do this in Spine.

Thank ya!

  • Misaki відповіли на це.
    Related Discussions

    Frobrother Welcome to the Spine forum!

    I assume that you would like to customize the frame numbers on timeline like 2, 4, 6, 8..., but unfortunately Spine does not currently have this feature. However, we do have an idea in our roadmap to add this feature:
    Allow custom frame numbers on the timeline EsotericSoftware/spine-editor666

    You can subscribe to the issue ticket, then you will receive additional notifications upon any progress.

      Have you considered changing the playback FPS to 24 and disabling interpolation in the Editor, paired with changing the refresh rate at runtime as explained here?

      This is already doable and creates less heavy files because requires way less keyframes!

        Misaki That's really unfortunate, but thank you so much for linking the thread!

        You can do as you described both in the editor and at runtime -- see Erika's response. You can set your timeline FPS to 24 and then key on 2s. Also check Interpolated so the animations will not interpolate between the whole number keys of your timeline FPS (24). You'll see 24fps in the timeline and the animation will be shown at 24fps without interpolation.

        If you wanted a timeline FPS of 12 but the interpolated look of 24, then it wouldn't work (you'd get the interpolated look of 12 instead). You can just key on 2s though using a 24fps timeline.

        9 днів пізніше

        or by using the "Edit" menu and choosing "Select All."

        Everything else you said makes sense, except for this. Makes me wonder if you're an AI. 😉 ctrl+A to select all (after clicking in the dopesheet to focus it, you can see the focus by the view name being underlined).



        This does not seem to give me the animation on twos, it just simply slows the animation down by 50%.



        Thank you, but what I want to do is keep all my animation on 1's (24fps) but automatically key everything on twos once I'm happy with the animation. So I would like to auto generate keys on every "odd" numbered frame.

        Can you explain why you want to do that?

        2 роки пізніше

        Erika Hi! I know this discussion is really old, but I found it while trying to search about animating on twos. This is the first time I've seen someone suggest this and I'm just curious if approaching animation like this would be too resource intensive? I want to use spine to pose the character frame by frame for my game but I wasn't sure if that would cause issues.

        This method should use less keys, therefore use less resources as far as I know! (I am but a humble artist).
        A bad approach would involve adding tons of keys to get the same effect, but it should not be the case here.
        However I'm not sure I fully understood how you'd like to approach your specific use case.

          Erika Ah yeah that's what I was thinking of doing, I misunderstood your original comment lol. The solution you gave sounds like it'd give about the same result though so thanks! :>

          • Erika вподобали це.