• Showcase
  • Sheilds.io branding

Hey there,

I was recently remaking my README.md for my aseprite lua script and I noticed that EsotericSoftware & Spine weren't on shields.io
If you don't know shields.io is used to add badges with brand logos on github READMEs.
So I went ahead and requested the addition of your logos over there.
That being said the reviewer over there thinks that because on your branding page, you have backgrounds, I would need to add these same backgrounds to the badges.
I personally think that without the backgrounds, your branding looks much better! 🙂
So I was reaching out to see which one you preferred, as it is your brand and not mine.
If you have the time go ahead and take a look at the pull request linked above and tell me which one you think looks better (the ones displayed on the initial pull request and the one displayed on the last comment by the reviewer)

  • Erika вподобали це.
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Hi there,

Thanks for taking the time to add our branding to shields.io, I was not aware that was a thing! The non-background version you posted first definitely looks best, so you are welcome to forward this to the reviewer.

It sounds like you were having trouble with the sizing of the esoteric software badge logo, you can use this proper square version instead. Note that I have not done any optimization that shield.io might require .

Thanks again!

    I went ahead and forwarded the logo and information you provided to the request itself.
    I'll keep you posted on the status.

    That sounds great, thanks!

      Both PRs have been approved (#10239 and #10280).
      Icons should be available in production (on site) this Sunday!

      • Nate вподобали це.