안녕하세요 spine 너무 잘 쓰고 있습니다🙂
다름이 아니라 스파인 최신 버전에서 4.0으로 다운그레이드 할 시 키가 중복되는 현상이 많이 있습니다.
제가 타임라인에서 작업 시 'shift키'를 눌러 천천히 보는 버릇이 있는데 4.2에서는 저런 적이 없어서 다운그레이드 문제로 생각 하고 있습니다.혹시 비슷한 분 계신가요?

Hello, I'm using my spin very well 🙂
There are many overlapping keys when downgrading from the latest version of Spin to 4.0.
I have a habit of pressing the 'shift key' and looking at it slowly when working on a timeline, but I've never done that in 4.2, so I'm thinking of it as a downgrade issue, is there anyone similar?

  • Misaki відповіли на це.
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    ryujike Unfortunately, this may be a difficult problem to solve, as it is not guaranteed that the same animation can be reproduced when downgrading.
    By the way, could you please tell us why you are downgrading from 4.2 to 4.0?

      와우 미사키 ^^!! 반갑습니다. 답변 감사합니다.
      제가 주로 사용하는 버전이 최신 버전이고, 다운그레이드는 업무 기준과 관련이 있어서 다운그레이드를 했습니다.

      그렇군요? 그럼 다운그레이드보다는 'shiftkye'를 누르고 키를 넣기 전 사이의 문제인 것 같습니다.

      Wow Misaki ^^!! Nice to meet you. Thank you for your answer.
      The version I usually use is the latest version, and the downgrade is related to the work standard, so I did the downgrade.

      I see. Then it seems to be a matter between before pressing 'shiftkye' and putting the key in, rather than downgrading.

      • Misaki відповіли на це.

        ryujike Yeah, nice to meet you! 🙂
        I failed to mention that this forum has a translate button so you can post in your native language:

        Do you mean that you can reproduce this problem in 4.0 without doing a downgrade? Even if that were the case, unfortunately 4.0 is no longer being updated, so even if we found a new bug, we would not be able to release a fixed version. If this problem exists in 4.2, we will be happy to fix it!