• International中文
  • SkeletonUtility脚本生成的骨骼,部分骨骼节点位置异常




我使用的是Unity2022.3.17f1c1, Spine-unity4.1

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@ECG_Kinsey What does your SkeletonUtilityBone hierarchy look like?

Please note that SkeletonUtilityBone uses local transform values. It relies on a hierarchy of SkeletonUtilityBone GameObjects that mirrors the skeleton's bone hierarchy.
See the documentation here:

@ECG_Kinsey Also, which exact versionof the spine-unity runtime (name of the unitypackage, also listed in Assets/Spine/version.txt or version in the Unity Package Manager) are you using?

    Harald 层次结构如下



    • Harald відповіли на це.

      ECG_Kinsey 该层次结构由SkeletonUtility脚本的"SpawnHierarchy"按钮生成,生成之后并无改动。

      Thanks for the additional info.

      Could it be that some of the parent bones use any special transformations, like not inheriting position or scale or the like? Such transformation would be lost when trying to re-create it in Unity since a Unity Transform can't disable inheritance.

        Harald 我的Spine骨骼中确实有一些不继承缩放的变换,这是因为我需要通过缩放骨骼来使不同骨架比例的角色复用同一套动画,而部分骨骼缩放之后,其骨骼所对应的附件尺寸也会缩放,所以我勾选了不继承缩放来保持附件的尺寸不变。


        Harald 这个骨骼在unity中模拟动画的时候位置信息是正确的,如下图



        @ECG_Kinsey As I said before, if you are using some features in the skeleton like disabled Inherit Scale, these can't be mirrored by Unity Transform. If you use a SkeletonUtilityBone hierarchy, which uses Unity Transform to position itself, when the bone or any of the parent bones in the hierarchy has Inherit Scale disabled, you will end up with incorrect bone location.

        Please check or even better share screenshots of the settings of all parent bones of the problematic bone in the Spine project, whether they have e.g. Inherit Scale or similar disabled.

          @ECG_Kinsey In other words, you can do this in Spine:

          - parent [scale 3] world scale = 3
          -- child [scale 1, disabled inherit scale] world scale = 1

          But in Unity this can only become

          - parent [scale 3] world scale = 3
          -- child [scale 1 [ no disabled inherit scale support ] world scale = 3 (!!)

          Harald 是的,我明确我项目中有禁用缩放的骨骼节点。这是因为我们通过皮肤制作不同的角色,不同角色之间共用一个骨架,但是他们有不同的身体比例,为了复用同一套动画,我们通过变换约束缩放了部分角色皮肤下的骨骼,缩放后的骨骼会影响附件中的图片的比例,为了保持图片的比例不受影响,我们禁用了继承缩放。



          • Harald відповіли на це.

            We need to obtain the coordinate information of this point.

            You can use Bone localToWorld, eg:

            float worldX, worldY;
            bone.LocalToWorld(0, 0, worldX, worldY);

            This gives you the coordinate in the skeleton's world space (relative to the skeleton's position). You can then convert this to a GameObject's space if needed.

            Thanks for confirming that you're using disabled Inherit Scale.
            The easy solutions would then be:

            • If you need to only let a Transform follow a bone position, please always use the BoneFollower component, as it has less overhead and fewer issues than the complete SkeletonUtilityBone hierarchy.
            • If you need to override the bone position of e.g. an arrow bone, you can use the SkeletonUtilityBone component with Mode Override only for the arrow bone without the complete parent hierarchy. Then for the required parent have just a single BoneFollower GameObject which is set to follow the parent bone of the arrow bone. Then at the arrow SkeletonUtilityBone you can set the Parent Reference to the BoneFollower game object.

            ECG_Kinsey 但是我仍然有一个疑问,下面两个图都是来自Unity,而骨骼信息都来自Spine,既然unity和Spine对变换的缩放继承处理逻辑不同,如果一个存在禁用缩放继承的Spine工程导入unity之后,按理来说应该无法在unity还原Spine中的变换,为什么第一个图箭头所指的骨骼能在正确的位置?

            The bone position in the first screenshot is in the correct position because we calculate world positions without using any Unity components for that. We don't have a Unity Transform hierarchy behind the skeleton bones.

              Harald 明白了,感谢您的耐心解答,这很有帮助

              • Harald вподобали це.

              Glad it helped, thanks for getting back to us.