What's new, tracking progress, and issue trackers
March 3rd, 2013
We’ve been working hard on a number of things that will increase our productivity over the coming weeks. First, Spine now has installers for Windows and Mac and will automatically download updates, so you always have the latest. This allows us to quickly fix bugs and push out new versions to everyone. Also, Spine bundles it’s own JVM now so we are no longer at the mercy of whatever JVM users have installed, resulting in fewer setup issues.
We know that everyone is anxious to hear when their favorite runtime or feature will be done. We’d love to give super accurate estimates, but in software development that isn’t usually a great idea for many reasons. Instead, we’ll give you as much insight as possible into what we are working on currently and what we will work on next. We’ll also show the entire backlog of work that is planned.
I personally dread project management tools. I’ll take indented plain text files any day! However, something more is needed to make Spine’s development more transparent, so we’ve begun using Trello. You can watch our progress on our Trello pages for the editor and the runtimes. You can vote and comment on tasks, and we will keep the votes in mind when choosing what to work on next. Kickstarter goals are marked green, major tasks are yellow, GitHub issues are red.
We also needed a better way to accept issues and suggestions from our users. We’ve decided to use the GitHub issue tracker. You can report bugs or suggest features on our GitHub pages for the editor and the runtimes. New issues automatically appear in the Backlog on our Trello pages, so you can see how they are prioritized.
There are still a few issues with OpenGL on the Mac. We will be solving these soon with a whole new OpenGL backend (via GLFW) for all operating systems. Beyond that, we are working hard on the Kickstarter goals and will keep everyone updated with our progress!
In other news, the Artist Workshop was a success and we will be sending out the video soon. Next Saturday (March 9th) is the Coding Workshop at 12:00pm PST. Invites will be sent out via email in a few days. Don’t miss it!